ART F200X Baroque Blog Assignment


Medusa was created in Milan, Italy, by  Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, in 1596 showing the moment she was executed by Perseus. I really like the heavy darker colors of the Medusa on the shield. I also like the depth and short amount of space between the head of the Medusa and the wall. The artistic use of the shadow and the source of light impressed me. 
    by putting the shine in Medusas eyes at an upper angle and the shadow at a lower angle from the top of the head to not only show depth with proximity to the wall but also to give the viewer a sense there is a source of light in front of and above Medusa. Going even further, the contrast between the lighter skin on Medusa's left side of her face vs the right side of her face showing once again the direction of the light by making one side lighter with no shadows and the other side with shadows in the areas that have curves to not only show depth but the source of light. The shadows contrast heavily against the lit parts of Medusa's face as the shadowed parts also push the details of the snakes and the right side of the face due to how the left side is almost washed out due to the intensity of the light. The same shine as the eyes can be seen on the bellies of snakes showing the gloss of the bottom of a snake vs the dull light-absorbing top scales of a snake. 
    This painting shows the influence of Baroque with its naturalistic and realistic painting, with its darker dramatic depiction, and demonstration of the release of tension with the severing of Medusas head. Looking at the face of Medusa the heavy emotional turbulence as you can see the understanding that Medusa realizes her head is severed. A wonderful and masterful piece. I don’t really relate to it as it is a decapitation, but I love the art and I would own one if I could.


Baroque Painting At Its Best & Most Sinister • Lazer Horse. (2015, November 15). Retrieved from

Medusa by Caravaggio - Facts & History of the Painting. (2013, April 14). Retrieved from


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